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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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So both 3D and 2D games are going offline, as well as the website, for a few months, on the 4th?
I think it always says can't connect to p2p network, it always says that for me too and I connect to everyone fine in the new version now.

As far as the blackouts go, I'm not really sure =( I'm sure someone here does, or maybe Mikkel does (the creator of the game). Do you have a newer or older computer?
Yeah, so it takes more skill to wildly throw spamming punches (like most people do.. They're not actually trying to "combo", they're just spamming and hoping for the best). Either way, whether it's spam or actually trying to set up a combo, more skill involved is always good unless the system is so bogged down it makes it sickeningly tedius to do. I guess we'll have to see what they do with it!
The thought of people logging off once they hold a belt and never fighting again, or fighting like 1 fight a week with some random newbie makes me sick, and made me wonder like..

Couldn't Mikkel just make it so that the account with the belt must fight maybe, 3-6 matches per week, and if the account doesn't meet that quota, the belt is just forfeited? And maybe the account could have a tag on it that says it used to be a belt holder but had it forfeited cause they wouldn't fight, maybe have it just say "Ghost Belt Holder" or something?

Idk what would happen to the belt once forfeited.. If there's a ranking system, maybe the 2nd and 3rd ranked guy, once they fight each other, the winner of that takes the forfeited belt?

Idk, just a thought. It all sounds pretty rediculous and I'm just thinking of ways it could be stopped, because it's obviously going to happen in OB3D too once all that stuff gets put in there.
Total Punch Control is the only way to go I.M.O. Just pressing buttons to punch feels too generic if that's the right word, too simplistic and too cheap in a way.

Like with OB3D it's different, because the logner you hold it down the further you extend and harder you throw, and you can stop a punch mid-throw at pretty much any distance, and the length of time you hold it down + your angles and all make it very realistic. But, with a console game, pretty buttons just means pre-canned animations, which is sickeningly boring to me.

I just hope that you can actually have an advantage if you're a smaller fighter online this year, if you can get inside. I'm sick of all online boxing games having 7'11 375lbs fighters just for arm length and power. For Fight Night 5 hopefully they make your weight have an affect on things too, not just your height, with equal pros and cons.

I think they're trying to say in FNR4 if you're a 5'9 guy fighting a 6'11 guy, if you can get in close and stay close in your prime punching range, you'll own his face if he can't keep the fight outside, because his punches will just be glancing and/or he'll vastly overthrow you and have little to no effect.

Hopefully this is the case!
I've actually thought about that one myself for a while Jens, and after sticking up for both ends of the argument to myself, I came to the rational conclusion that that scenario would be included.

Reason being, you knew at the beginning of the fight that the lag was that bad, but yet you chose to continue the fight anyway, hoping to score a win. You actively engaged in the competition knowing full well ahead of time what the terms were, and then agreed to them and proceeded. Once you sort of "sign that agreement" so-to-speak, you can't then justify screwing him out of a win by leaving with, "Well the lag was so bad it was virtually unplayable anyway". You already agreed to it, you know?

Now if the fight starts out, and it's lagged as hell and you see he has 950 ping, and then you quit out, I don't see a problem with that, no. Because you saw the terms and conditions, and decided not to sign. You know what I mean?

That's my take on it anyway.
LoL yes, yes it is. 3D is doing great things
Just letting any 3D players know, so you can just send training matches to him instead of fights.

Normally I only do training matches anyway until Mikkel makes it so that controllers can pivot with R1+right analog again which he said he was gonna fix, cause until then we're a little gimped, but I woke up in a good mood this morning and thought what the hell, I'll accept a fight instead of spar.

Anyway yeah, just throwin it out there so you know to only give him training matches, cause he'll quit out of a losing fight if he's frustrated so you don't get the win.

[EDIT]: The issue is getting fixed soon of course, but until then..
Uh.. What?
I don't know anything about how 2D works, but, unless I'm mistaken (and I might be), you held the belt, right? Then he fought you for it, and won, and took the belt, and then DID give you a rematch, right? You won that rematch, and then instantly re-rematched him because of a belt-swap, and he won, and then logged off, and you're super pissed?

I don't see why, as long as he fights you again later. He fought you for it, took it, and then GAVE YOU A REMATCH, as ettiquette enforces, so to speak. Then you won the rematch, and won the belt back there, so.. Shouldn't you be able to hold onto it for a while before having to rematch? I mean you had a belt, he took it, re'd you, you got it back, then essentially had a tie-breaker fight.

Shouldn't the winner of the tie-breaker there be allowed to keep the belt for a little while (or at least like, fight some other people first before rematching you personally again I mean)? Doesn't that kinda take away the whole thrill of being a champ and having a series of fights and then winning those fights? If you go through a title match, and a defending match, and then a third match ontop of that, shouldn't that be enough? Shouldn't the winner of that series be able to carry and hold his pride and the belt he fought for for a little while? After a 3 fight series, why is it mandatory to just keep fighting you until he loses? I mean, he won the 3-series with you, and deserves to fight a couple others at least before getting back to you IMO.

Idk, I just think it's stupid that it's etiquette to keep fighting someone over and over until they get the belt back. Wth is that? lol. A rematch or two sure, but after that they should be able to blow you off for a little bit and give some other people a shot at it.

Am I totally wrong on this?
Yeah really, she could probably deliver a bigger knockout with those than anything you could ever find Hopkins doing in a clip, LoL.
Awesome! Yeah I'll probably download later today, thanks! Sounds like it's wrapping up really well!
Has it been fixed yet? I left months ago cause it took a whole portion out of the 3D game because it took a whole element away and it stayed the same for several updates and I kinda forgot about the game until now, and I just reformatted the other day and wanted to know if it's back to normal before I download again.

Thanks! I can't wait to get back in the ring even if it's not fixed yet. I still think this is the best boxing game out there right now, and I know it definately will be when it's completely finished. I expect it to even blow away Fight Night Round 4 after the novelty wears off and once all the cheese ruins online (which should take about 3 days), lol.

Miss you guys, even the ones that hate me! [all of you ]
The heavy bag crashes the game when you select it now, and since that's the only option to choose, people can't go in to hit ESC to go to the controls menu that shows all of the controls.

We had a new guy come in last night who wound up not playing and leaving because he had no idea what they were, but I talked him into coming back and told him about the game and said I'd mention it here so hopefully you can fix it asap!

It would suck to see new people leave because they have no idea what the controls are and they get frustrated and leave The 3D community is small enough as it is already

[EDIT]: Also, you really gotta fix the left throw glitch when you get some time. The way it is now you have to drop your guard to throw a left, where-as a right punch you can still stay blocked with your other hand like you should. It's a huge hinderance on the gameplay
I'm not sure what was going on with us not being able to connect j00, dd came in just as you were about to leave and we played fine
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